Dear Moderator,

This is my A2 Media Blog. Hope you enjoy it!

You will find my final teaser trailer, film magazine and film poster just under this note. My research and planning began in September. My evaluation is just under my final product too.


Monday 20 June 2011

Research & Planning: Genre Research

For my first blog on my new A2 blogger, I will be researching different genre types for films.
I will be looking at four genres; Horror, Fantasy, Rom Com and Action.

Horror: The Strangers

Fantasy: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Romantic Comedy: He's Just Not That Into You

Action: Drive Angry

Mise-en-scene: The clothes that the couple were wearing showed that they had just been out for a formal event, the woman was in a dress and the male was in a suit. The 3 villains were also in average clothes although they had the props of having masks over their faces to disguise them and make them mysterious to the audience as we never see their faces. The house was an average house yet the location was set in the middle of nowhere which is perfect for a horror genre.
Cinematography: There was a range of different shots in this horror, they varied from close ups to show the characters distress and long shots when it comes to the chase scenes. Mainly low key lighting as it is set at night too. This adds atmosphere to the events. Medium close ups are used to focus on the characters especially the villains to show their masks.
Sound: Horror films usually have slow tense music to create atmosphere and then a more fast tempo soundtrack comes on as this makes the audience active as they get worried for the characters. Dialogue is used and can be used in horrors usually as shouts and screams to show fright or whispers when they are being quiet and don't want anyone to find them.
Editing: A lot of straight cuts are used as it is continuous as well as jump cuts as this is more fast paced for horrors.

Mise-en-scene: Costume such as cloaks and uniforms to show the characters are in a magic school. Costumes at the beginning were normal clothes to show they were average children. Props such as wands, cauldrons, books and potions also show the magic that is used as these things are needed for the film to be of a fantasy genre. The setting of the castle adds a magical element to the film too as that is what castles are associated with. Things such as the platform and the train seem normal enough but with the added element of the fact that it is the Hogwarts train and running through the platform wall adds fantasy to the film.
Cinematography: Long shots are used to show locations and to make magical things shown more full screen. Close ups are used of the characters faces as well as medium close ups to show their excitement or fright at events that take place. Mixture of low and high key lighting. Low key on the more darker scenes and lighter on the happier magical scenes.
Sound: Harry Potter has its own theme tune that is now recognisable. It is a higher pitch to add a happier tone and it is quite fast. It usually begins when something magical is being shown. On the more darker scenes though, the soundtrack does become more lower pitched and tense.
Editing: Straight cuts usually to be continuous. Jumps cuts to show time change which at times happens in fantasy films.

ROMANTIC COMEDY: HE'S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOUMise-en-scene: Clothes are just normal to show that they are normal people. The men may wear suits for their jobs to show their profession and power. During the wedding scene, everyone is dressed up formally. Rom-coms are just about real people with real lives and they are made as realistic as possible. The settings of the characters homes are realistic and the settings of restaurants and bars show realism too.
Cinematography: Usually high key lighting in rom-coms to show happiness and realism. Two shots mainly of couples together or even friends together. Over the shoulder shots are used to show conversation with two characters. Medium close ups and close ups used to show characters facial expressions.
Sound: Soundtracks are usually used in rom-com films that are non-diagetic. They use songs by actual singers as then people will know the songs and they usually relate to the situations on screen. A lot of dialogue is used in rom-coms as conversations happen with the couples or with the friends in the film. The speech in rom-coms help the plot to flow and continue.
Editing: Straight cuts mainly for continuation in rom-coms as they are made to look realistic and they need to look like there are no stops or anything as the audience need to see a flowing storyline. In He's Just Not That Into You there are a lot of fade to black as text comes up for the audience to read, such as 'If he's not marrying you...' and then this fades out to show a scene of an extra that uses direct speech to the audience by breaking the fourth wall and continuing what was said on the fade to black.

Mise-en-scene: Nicolas Cage's character is shown by costume as a tough character by wearing leathers, sunglasses and boots. The character of the Grim Reaper is dressed in a suit to show his power. The females are more revealing with their costume. Location is in America and is set in many places such as american cafes and hotels. Props such as cars and motorcycles are used for the characters for the chase scenes.
Cinematography: Range of high and low key lighting. Long shots show settings and usually show a wider angle when it comes to the action scenes so that the audience can see everything that is happening. Close ups used to show tension between characters.
Sound: Fast paced music is used mostly in action films as this then makes the audience active and it suits the action atmosphere if the music is fast. Songs by singers can be sung for action films and usually rock music is chosen for action films.
Editing: Straight cuts used for continuation and jump cuts to show the more faster scenes or jump cuts can be used for the scenes where a lot is happening at the same time so the jump cuts show this more easily as in action films there is always something going on.