Dear Moderator,

This is my A2 Media Blog. Hope you enjoy it!

You will find my final teaser trailer, film magazine and film poster just under this note. My research and planning began in September. My evaluation is just under my final product too.


Friday 24 February 2012

Research & Planning: Digital Technology Prezi

This is my prezi to show my progress of using digital technology from my AS year to my A2 year. I have stated what technologies I have used and progressed onto using and how I have used them.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Research & Planning: Verdict Teaser Trailer so far

This is my teaser trailer so far, we have added on our text for Verdict with our font as well as for 'coming soon'.

Research & Planning: Shot List Plan for Filming

Me & Nathan are filming the rest of our trailer at the end of the week so we are planning what shot types our last scenes need to be.

  • Birds Eye View shot of Jury around the Ouija Board.
  • Low angle shot of victim on the floor crawling away. 
  • Long shot of victims running down the corridor.
  • Close up of gavel.
  • Medium Close up of victim crying.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Research & Planning: Film Poster Update

This is my film poster now. I have decided to go for something different than what I was already doing for my poster to make it more interesting and different. So I decided to make it into a newspaper article. I discoloured the page to make it look like an older article and added coloumns and wrote part of the story without giving too much of the film away. I still kept the website and cast and crew information on as they are found on all film posters. I added some red around my title to still give it that horror genre sense to it. I also have the image of Amy as the possessed girl as well so people can see what it is about.

Research & Planning: Film Magazine Update

This is my new update for my film magazine. I have added a different title as the other one seemed a bit too complicated and usually titles on film magazines are a lot more simpler but effective. I decided to go for red because it stands out a lot more. I even added text at the top for a feature along with an image about 3D movies.

Research & Planning: Film Magazine Update

This is my film magazine update where I have added text at the top and I have also deleted the main image as I am thinking of taking a new one photo.

Research & Planning: Film Magazine Influence

This is my film magazine influence. I have chosen this as I like the colour theme as well as the layout and the main image. I have decided to use this magazine as a guidline for creating my film magazine.

Research & Planning: Other Film Magazine Pictures

These are some images that I took as an extra image for a feature on my film magazine. I used Nathan and used the props of 3D glasses as well as a cardboard cut out of Toy Story characters for the background as I thought of a feature story of 'Is 3D here to stay?' for my magazine. Toy Story 3 was a main 3D film that was highly recognised so I felt like these images related to that feature.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Research & Planning: How the Audience Feedback helped us

After getting our audience feedback results from people after them watching our teaser trailer, we could easily see our strengths and weaknesses. The audience could tell that the genre of the film was horror but some people couldn't quite tell the story. We then knew that in our trailer we needed to add scenes to show the equilibrium of our trailer and we also needed scenes to show the disruption properly rather than going straight into all the peaks and troughs. Some people could not quite tell that our main character became obsessed but thought she went crazy.
We saw from our feedback that we had some good scenes already but more needed to be added to show the storyline a bit more.

Research & Planning: Audience Feedback

People in my class watched our teaser trailer and wrote down some feedback for us on what they thought our narrative & genre was, what our strengths are and what the areas for development are. Here are the pictures for our feedback.

Research & Planning: Verdict Teaser Trailer so far