Dear Moderator,

This is my A2 Media Blog. Hope you enjoy it!

You will find my final teaser trailer, film magazine and film poster just under this note. My research and planning began in September. My evaluation is just under my final product too.


Tuesday 14 February 2012

Research & Planning: Film Poster Update

This is my film poster now. I have decided to go for something different than what I was already doing for my poster to make it more interesting and different. So I decided to make it into a newspaper article. I discoloured the page to make it look like an older article and added coloumns and wrote part of the story without giving too much of the film away. I still kept the website and cast and crew information on as they are found on all film posters. I added some red around my title to still give it that horror genre sense to it. I also have the image of Amy as the possessed girl as well so people can see what it is about.

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