Dear Moderator,

This is my A2 Media Blog. Hope you enjoy it!

You will find my final teaser trailer, film magazine and film poster just under this note. My research and planning began in September. My evaluation is just under my final product too.


Friday 14 October 2011

Research & Planning: Proposals/Group Meeting 2

Plot Idea 1
- One of our plot ideas is about a group of friends who go on a camping trip and take part in using supernatural element - Ouija Board. Things take a turn for the worst when one of the friends becomes possessed and terrorises the rest of the group.

Cinematography For Plot Idea 1
- One of the main shots we will be looking at is an extreme close up of the person's eyes who gets possessed. The camera would then zoom out to look at the features of the contorted face. We will have a birds eye view shot of the group of friends sat around in a circle beginning the nights events, also showing the bonds between them all in the beginning. Two shots will be used as well to show friends being broken apart and to show how ties are wearing thin.

Editing For Plot 1
- Jump cuts to show the peak of the teaser trailer. Straight cuts used to show the continuity.

Sound For Plot 1
- Soundtrack used to build up tension that will suddenly stop when the possessed eyes are shown. Dialogue will be used over the top of the the soundtrack so the audience notices when the music stops.

Mise-en-scene For Plot 1
- Make-up will be a main prop to use to make the possessed person look possessed and scary for the audience. Contact lenses could be used to turn the eyes red. The location used will be the woods and we will have the prop of the Ouija Board.

Plot 2
- Another plot idea that we had was similar to our first plot idea in the way that there is a group of friends out together camping but there is no supernatural elements involved. The difference with this plot is that one of the friends gets murdered and paranoia kicks in as friends wonder who it is that is going on a killing spree and it will be discovered that it is one of the friends themselves.

Cinematography For Plot 2
- High angles and low angles used to show who is superior and inferior. Birds eye view shot again to show original friendship of the group. Long shots to show running scenes from the killer. 

Editing For Plot 2
- Straight cuts again to show continuity. Tracking could be used to show that a handheld camera is being used and this shows the characters fears to the audience.

Sound For Plot 2
- Soundtrack starts off slow but builds up over time to create tension. Diagetic sounds of screaming and sound of the axe to create fear for the audience.

Mise-en-scene For Plot 2
- Props of the weapon used for the killer. Location used would be the woods. Fake blood could be used to show the violence. Friends could have dirty faces from falling in the woods.

Plot Idea 3
- Our other plot idea was a stalker storyline where and ex boyfriend gets jealous of the fact that his girlfriend dumped him and got with someone else. He follows her everywhere and takes pictures of her and everything she does to later use against her.

Cinematography For Plot 3
- In the trailer, most of the shots will be done as if looking through a camera lens. These will most likely be close ups or long shots. Close ups of them being a couple in a flashback and close ups of the break up.

Editing For Plot 3
- Flashbacks will be used to show them when they were together and also to show the breakup. Jump cuts will be used to show snippets so the audience can feel the boy's pain.

Sound For Plot 3
- The soundtrack would be eerie and slow with a lower pitch. Camera snap noises could be used to show that the camera is being used and these can get quicker as the trailer goes on. Dialogue will be used of the girl with her new boyfriend and dumping her old boyfriend.

Mise-en-scene For Plot 3
- Urban setting to show fast paced city life. Room of pictures where they all get put up of the stalkers ex girlfriend all over the wall. Prop of the camera too will be a main feature.


  1. I like plot one and three but I prefer plot one. I think it will be more spookier and can make it scarier than plot three. I think it would be different as it is self inflicted and instead of making the audience feel sorry for them it will make it more generic feeling. Also at the moment everyone seems to be into the paranormal and could see it as a growing trend making it easier to market. :)

  2. In my opinion I think that the first plot will be more affective, it seems different and a unique storyline. I think the use of cinematography can vary using this plot and sound too. The Paranormal side too it seems to work in a lot of films out there.

  3. i like plot idea one because i enjoy watching supernatural horror films and the idea of a ouija board narrative appeals to me the most
