Dear Moderator,

This is my A2 Media Blog. Hope you enjoy it!

You will find my final teaser trailer, film magazine and film poster just under this note. My research and planning began in September. My evaluation is just under my final product too.


Wednesday 14 December 2011

Research & Planning: Christmas Holidays

Today we finished college for the christmas holidays.
This can give me and Nathan time to do more research and start our teaser trailer.
We now have our location plans so we know where will need to go to film. Parts of our trailer however, have to be filmed in college, therefore, we may have to wait until after the christmas holidays to finish them parts of the trailer off.


Research & Planning: Film Magazine Update

This is my newly updated version of my film magazine. A few changes have been made since last time but there is still a lot more that needs to be done.

Research & Planning: Location Pictures

These are our photos for our different locations where we will be filming our trailer.
There are images of:

  • The outside of the Crown Court in Manchester where our news reporter will be.
  • The theatre at Hyde Clarendon College where we will film our court scenes.
  • A classroom in college where our jury will going to discuss the verdict. 

Research & Planning: Film Magazine Update

Here is my film magazine update for what I have been doing while making it and this is what I have got up to so far. Some changes may yet be made to the magazine as well as more things need to be added onto it.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Research & Planning: Featured Stories

This post is to show some ideas that I can use as some other featured stories on my film magazine front cover. So far I have come up with:

  • Horror Movie Countdown
  • Behind the scenes of After Dark
  • Star Interviews with the cast of Verdict
  • Cinema Listings
  • Upcoming Films

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Research & Planning: Week Plan

This week I am going to:

  • Look at different fonts for my film magazine.
  • Continue with my production of film magazine.
  • Put audition posters up.
  • Take headshots of our auditionees.

Research & Planning: Start of Film Magazine

Here I have started to create my film magazine on Photoshop.
This image shows that I have only just started it and I have just put down the title of my magazine and I am creating the other parts around it.
I will keep updating my blog with my updated covers to show my progress.

Research & Planning: Compared Verdict Font Ideas

Me & Nathan both did our research on what we thought should be the font for our film 'Verdict'.
We came up with many different font ideas, some the same and some different.
This post is to compare both of our findings and see which were similar and different and which one we should have.

My Font Ideas

Nathan's font ideas

We found that some were different and some were similar. We just then had to make the decision as to which one we think would be the most suitable for our genre and storyline.

Research & Planning: Verdict Font Ideas

On Photoshop I tried out some different font styles for the title of our teaser trailer 'Verdict'.
I have chosen different fonts on Photoshop that look like they would suit a horror genre film or suit the plot of our court case/possession storyline.
Me & Nathan came up with some fonts similar and some different. We compared them and decided on a few that we liked. We each liked a font called 'Mom's typewriter' which is the bottom one on my image. We thought this looked relevant to a court case due to the typewriter aspect.

Research & Planning: Planning Permission E-Mail

Here is mine and Nathan's e-mail sent from us to the Crown Court in Manchester asking permission to use the outside of the court as a location to film a part of our teaser trailer.

Research and Planning: Final Audition Poster

This is the new film audition poster where we have now included our names, contact information which is our e-mail addresses and we have said where and when the auditions will be held at.

Research & Planning: First Audition Poster

Me & Nathan have created this film audition poster to stick up for people to come and audition for our teaser trailer. We created a dark background image and blended to main horror theme colours together so people would get the sense of what kind of film 'Verdict' is.
The fonts that we used also look like horror themed fonts. One for the main information is called 'Urban Jungle' and the one used for the title 'Verdict' is called 'Unearthed Spirits'. We thought these would be suitable for the poster as again, it shows to the audience what genre the film is. We even included an image of a gavel to link to the storyline.
One thing we forgot to include on this one was contact information and where and when the auditions would be held at.

Sunday 4 December 2011

Research & Planning: Breaking Dawn

Over the weekend I went to see the new Twilight Saga film, Breaking Dawn. I found the film really enjoyable and interesting. The target audience for this film will be Twilight fans who have seen the other films and maybe even read the books. The certificate is a 12A so the target audience is for people over this age so it has a fairly wide audience.

Even though this particular film isn't the same genre as what I am doing for my horror teaser trailer, I thought it would be useful to look at the trailer and poster for this film to see what interested me into going watching the film.

The poster doesn't give too much away which is an advantage as people do not want to know the whole film from just a poster. It shows the two protagonists so the audience can clearly see who is in the film. Due to the actors starring in the film, this can make people want to watch it if they think that the actors are good. It includes the tagline which attracts people and also the release date. Also the website is included in case the audience are interested in looking at it. It shows the characters holding onto each other showing their connection and relationship is still strong. Wedding rings are shown on the characters too to show some part of the plot to the audience which again could make them want to go and watch this film.

The trailer was also a main part as to why I wanted to watch the film. It briefly shows the plot of the film by showing a few seconds worth of different clips. These clips show some of the characters getting Bella & Edward's wedding invitations & their reactions to them, the wedding itself, the honeymoon and also the fact that Bella might be pregnant. The audience see the main parts of the film but not in too much detail therefore this makes them want to see the film to find out what happens. There is a mixture of voiceovers and subtitles, the voiceover being the characters using dialogue from the film which again  could make the audience want to see the film. The soundtrack music begins slow and tense that builds up to become faster as the scenes become more action packed. The soundtrack then dies down to just dialogue which then goes on to show the title of the film.

Thursday 1 December 2011

Research & Planning: Jury Research

Me and Nathan are using a court trial in our teaser trailer, therefore we thought we should research some information about Jury services and take note about them. We have found that:

  • There are usually 12 civilians used in a jury and they will carry out the verdict in a court case.
  • A jury trial  is a legal proceeding in which a Jury makes a decision about a certain crime taken place.
  • England and Wales have the same legal system yet other countries differ.
  • Minor criminal cases are heard without a Jury in the Magistrate's Courts.
  • Serious offences may be carried out in the Crown Court before a Jury.
  • All Juries consist of people between 18–70 years of age.
  • Members for the Jury are selected at random from the register of voters.

Research & Planning: Court Research

Me and Nathan are using a court trial in our teaser trailer, therefore we thought we should research some information about Crown Courts and take note about them. We have found that:

  • The Crown Court was established in 1972.
  • The Crown Court of England & Wales is together with the High Court of Justice & the Court of Appeal, one of the constituent parts of the Senior Courts of England & Wales.
  • It is the higher Court of first instance in criminal cases.
  • The Crown Court sits in around 92 locations in England & Wales.
  • The Crown Court carries out four different principal types of activity. These are appeals from decisions of magistrates, sentencing of defendants committed from magistrates’ courts, jury trials and the sentencing of those who are convicted in the Crown Court, either after trial or on pleading guilty.
  • Defendants in custody face a waiting time of 13 weeks and 3 days.
  • Those on bail experience a delay, waiting on average 15 weeks and 4 days until their case is heard.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Research & Planning: Film Magazine Covers

I have looked at different magazine front covers from Empire, Total Film and Sight & Sound. I have taken pictures from the internet to look and analyse even though some are not the same genre as what my trailer will be, I have looked at how these other films & genres have been highlighted on each magazine.
Each of them have different colour themes, fonts and images but this is to keep with the theme of what film is being advertised on the cover. The magazine title fonts stay the same all the time but the colours may differ depending on film and genre. Each have different features each time to make the magazine different and attract the audience. The images are each to do with whatever film is being shown and each image differs when it comes to the cinematography. Most images are medium close ups which is the norm for a magazine although a couple of others have long shots perhaps to show the character more or to show the costume of the character.

                                                                  Total Film


Sight & Sound

Research & Planning: Week Plan

My plan for the week is to:

  • Look at different fonts for my film title.
  • Look at other film magazines and how they are set out.
  • Produce our audition poster.
  • Research Crown Courts & Jury Services.

Monday 28 November 2011

Research & Planning: Risk Assessments 2

This is our other risk assessment for Hyde Clarendon College and about the hazards that could take place and the solution for them.

This is our other risk assessment for the Crown Court where again we have taken the hazards into consideration and also the solutions of them.

Research & Planning: Risk Assessments

This is one of our risk assessments for the Crown Court in Manchester that we want to film a part of our trailer outside of.

This is the other risk assessment sheet that is for Hyde Clarendon college where we will be filming the majority of our teaser trailer.

Saturday 26 November 2011

Research & Planning: Location Recces

This is our location recces for both of our locations - Crown Court & Hyde Clarendon College.
We have taken the hazards of these locations into consideration as well as including our lighting, power, sound and shooting information. We have also included images of our locations and added extra details.

Thursday 24 November 2011

Research & Planning: Script



Scene 1 - Interior - Courtroom - Daytime

Judge - What is your verdict? Guilty or not guilty?
Jury Member - We have come to a decision.
Judge - Has the Jury come to a decision?

Scene 2 - Interior - Courtroom - Night time

Character 1 - Katy Leigh, was you murdered by Johnny Allman?
Character 2 - Is Johnny Allman guilty?
(Breeze drifts through the room)
Character 3 - Can you give us any sign that you're here?
Character 4 - I don't like this idea anymore.
(Lights flicker on and off, table shakes, cursor moves on board. Word 'yes' appears)
Character 5 - Katy if you're here can you tell us what happened on that night of the 08/08/08?
(Room jolts and character number 6's head slumps forward whilst her body shakes. Her head rises and her appearance has taken one of that is injured and her eyes are red)
Character 6 (Demonic Voice) - YES!

Scene 3 - Exterior - Outside Court - Daytime

Reporter - My name's Kevin Williams and we're here to discuss the fact that Johnny Allman may or may not be charged with the murder of young Katy Leigh.

Journalist - Hello my name's Dianne Wickham and I'm outside the Crown Court in Manchester where the case of Katy Leigh's murder trial has come to a horrific end.

Research & Planning: Shooting Schedule

This is the Shooting Schedule for our teaser trailer. 
Here we have worked out where we will be filming our trailer and we have put the addresses and telephone numbers down for where we will be filming. We have also said whether permission to film at these locations has been confirmed. We have even stated exact times that we will be filming. 

Research & Planning: Shot List

This is one of the Production Documents that I have done for Cinematography.
It is the Shot Type list showing all the different shot types that we will be using in our teaser trailer and I have also explained a bit why and when we will be using each shot.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Research & Planning: Week Plan

My plan for the week this week is:

  • Start on Production documents - Location Recces, Risk Assessments, Shooting Schedule, Shot list
  • Make a script for our teaser trailer

Research & Planning: Group Meeting 3

Last week we was a bit behind with production due to Nathan being ill and not being able to make it into college.

This week we are going to consider doing some of our auditions and also starting to make our audition poster. We will also be getting some production documents finished as well as finishing off our script for the teaser trailer.

Monday 21 November 2011

Research & Planning: Cinema Research

For some further research I have looked at some local cinema listings and looked at which certificates were the most popular that were given to horror films. I looked at film listings from Cineworld, Odeon and Showcase. The certificates that are most likely to be given to horror films are 15 and 18. 15 films will be made for a more wider audience whereas 18 rated films will be a more limited audience but will be a lot more scary for the audience.

All of these films shown here have a 15 certificate, therefore they will not be as scary as 18 rated films and they have a wider target audience.