Dear Moderator,

This is my A2 Media Blog. Hope you enjoy it!

You will find my final teaser trailer, film magazine and film poster just under this note. My research and planning began in September. My evaluation is just under my final product too.


Monday 21 November 2011

Research & Planning: Cinema Research

For some further research I have looked at some local cinema listings and looked at which certificates were the most popular that were given to horror films. I looked at film listings from Cineworld, Odeon and Showcase. The certificates that are most likely to be given to horror films are 15 and 18. 15 films will be made for a more wider audience whereas 18 rated films will be a more limited audience but will be a lot more scary for the audience.

All of these films shown here have a 15 certificate, therefore they will not be as scary as 18 rated films and they have a wider target audience.

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