Dear Moderator,

This is my A2 Media Blog. Hope you enjoy it!

You will find my final teaser trailer, film magazine and film poster just under this note. My research and planning began in September. My evaluation is just under my final product too.


Thursday 24 November 2011

Research & Planning: Script



Scene 1 - Interior - Courtroom - Daytime

Judge - What is your verdict? Guilty or not guilty?
Jury Member - We have come to a decision.
Judge - Has the Jury come to a decision?

Scene 2 - Interior - Courtroom - Night time

Character 1 - Katy Leigh, was you murdered by Johnny Allman?
Character 2 - Is Johnny Allman guilty?
(Breeze drifts through the room)
Character 3 - Can you give us any sign that you're here?
Character 4 - I don't like this idea anymore.
(Lights flicker on and off, table shakes, cursor moves on board. Word 'yes' appears)
Character 5 - Katy if you're here can you tell us what happened on that night of the 08/08/08?
(Room jolts and character number 6's head slumps forward whilst her body shakes. Her head rises and her appearance has taken one of that is injured and her eyes are red)
Character 6 (Demonic Voice) - YES!

Scene 3 - Exterior - Outside Court - Daytime

Reporter - My name's Kevin Williams and we're here to discuss the fact that Johnny Allman may or may not be charged with the murder of young Katy Leigh.

Journalist - Hello my name's Dianne Wickham and I'm outside the Crown Court in Manchester where the case of Katy Leigh's murder trial has come to a horrific end.

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