Dear Moderator,

This is my A2 Media Blog. Hope you enjoy it!

You will find my final teaser trailer, film magazine and film poster just under this note. My research and planning began in September. My evaluation is just under my final product too.


Tuesday 31 January 2012

Research & Planning: Actor Release Forms

Here are our actor release forms for all our actors who starred in our film.

Research & Planning: Film Magazine Update

This is my updated film magazine. One thing that I have changed is the image as I think this picture looks better.

Thursday 26 January 2012

Research & Planning: Next Filming Date

We will be filming our pan of the Jury scene and also one murder scene on friday - 27/01/2012
These scenes will bring together our trailer a bit more and we will only have a couple more scenes to film then.

Research & Planning: Film Magazine Update

Here is my updated film magazine cover. I have added a picture on but I am going to take some more pictures because I don't think that the ones I have taken look that good. 

Research & Planning: Film Poster Update

Here is my updated film poster. I have added a picture onto this and I quite like the picture but the text needs some changing around unless I have to change my picture.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Research & Planning: Trailer So Far

This is mine and Nathans trailer so far for our Verdict teaser trailer. We have done bit of filming and we know that we need a lot more to be done. We have put black background with text though to indicate what scenes will go in certain parts.

Monday 23 January 2012

Research & Planning: Test Shots for Poster

These are my test shots for the image for my film poster. I have not decided which one to use yet. Nathan has taken my test shots and put them onto his blog too, however, he will not be using any of my pictures. I have just put my own test shots on my blog.

Research & Planning: Test Shots for Magazine

These are my test shots for the image on the front cover on my film magazine. I have not decided which one to use yet. Nathan has taken my test shots and put them onto his blog too, however, he will not be using any of my pictures. I have just put my own test shots on my blog.


Friday 20 January 2012

Research & Planning: Production Logo

In Photoshop, I created a logo for our Distribution Company, Blackout Productions. I created the text and then using the brush tool, brushed a black cloud and the used the rubber tool to rub out a part of the middle so that I could see the text as that is also black.

Nathan created the other Blackout Productions Logo. He has done it in the shape of an 'L' as it's'Bl'ackout. Our idea for the animation part is that when this image comes on the screen, one by one the letters will flicker out/off or be deleted so that the effect would be a blackout.

Thursday 19 January 2012

Research & Planning: Location Change

Due to the problems we had filming at Crown Court in Manchester, we had to change our location for our news report scene. We decided to still use our location at a court as it is relevant to what our trailer is about, therefore we went to Ashton Magistrates Court instead.

Research & Planning: Next Filming Date

To film the second part of our teaser trailer, me & Nathan have decided on the next day which will be the 21st.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Research & Planning: Weather

As me & Nathan are filming a part of our trailer tomorrow, we thought it would be best to check the weather conditions to make sure that it would be fine to film as we would be using expensive camcorders and wouldn't want to take them outside to use if the weather is too bad. We looked for the evening time as we would have finished with college then.

According to the BBC Weather for Manchester, the weather isn't going to be the best for the evening time, therefore we have decided to go film in the morning as we don't start college till the afternoon. The weather seems to look better in the morning that in the evening.

Research & Planning: Problems with Filming

Last Saturday, me and Nathan travelled to Manchester to go to the Crown Courts to film our news report scene for our trailer. Unfortunately we had a few problems. The person who was meant to be our actor for our news reporter decided that he no longer wanted to be in our trailer. Therefore, we had to just use Nathan as our Reporter. It took us a long time to find the court and then once we got there a security guard came to ask us if we had permission. We had to tell him that we had got in touch with the Crown Court but they never got back to us. He then informed us that we had to contact the HMCS for permission to film there. We couldn't visit them that day though as we got informed that it was shut. We then had to change our location. The only option to get permission to film at the Crown Court was to write them a letter and we thought that by the time we wrote our letter and they got back to us, we would be running out of time to film.

Research & Planning: Filming Date


Tomorrow, me and Nathan are going to be starting our filming. we will be heading to Ashton to film at the Magistrates Court. We will be filming our news report scene.

Research & Planning: Film Poster Update

This is my updated film poster. There is still no image on it yet so I can't do a lot. I have sorted out my cast and crew information better by making it smaller and longer. I have added the film website underneath and also mentioned that our film is based on a true story.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Research & Planning: New Location Recce

This is our new location recce for Ashton Magistrates Court as we went to film in Manchester at the Crown Court but could not get permission. This was our back up location as we were able to film here.

Research & Planning: News Report Research

I have looked at each of these main news websites to look at videos of different news reports to see how I should base my news report for the teaser trailer, I looked at the typical conventions and saw what to add in and how our actor should be on screen.

From 1:01 to 1:19 is what I looked at in this video and listened to what the reporter said, how he dressed and whether he had any props such as a microphone.

Friday 13 January 2012

Research & Planning: Twitter Feedback

Nathan asked the question on Twitter what name was best for out Production Company. We gave people the choice between Misfits Productions and Blackout Productions. We got a couple of people giving us feedback and they both said that they preferred Blackout Production.

Thursday 12 January 2012

Research & Planning: Prop List

Images of our props that we will use

A gavel for the Judge to use on the court scene. Bought from: A fancy dress shop in Manchester. Cost: £1.99

A microphone for the news report scene. Bought from: A pound shop in Manchester. Cost: £1.00

Research & Planning: Costume List

Here are pictures of all of the costumes that we have used for our actors in our teaser trailer. 

Here is Nathan who played our news reporter.  He wore typical clothes that a news reporter would wear - smart pants, top, coat and shoes.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Research & Planning: Creation of Ouija Board

Me & Nathan discussed how to make our Ouija Board prop for our teaser trailer over Blackberry Messenger. I used an app called 'Screen Muncher' to copy the image of our discussion when we were talking about how exactly to make the prop.

Research & Planning: Make-Up Used

This post is just to show which make-up I used to create the injuries for my victims. I have taken pictures to illustrate what I used.