Dear Moderator,

This is my A2 Media Blog. Hope you enjoy it!

You will find my final teaser trailer, film magazine and film poster just under this note. My research and planning began in September. My evaluation is just under my final product too.


Wednesday 21 March 2012

Evaluation Question 1

Question 1

In what ways does your media products use, develop and challenge forms and conventions of real media texts?

Teaser Trailer
- For our teaser trailer me and Nathan used some conventions of our trailer from possession film 'Exorcism of Emily Rose'. The storyline our of trailer is similar to that of 'The Exorcism of Emily Rose' because of the possession and court scene storyline.
Our blood on the wall scene was influenced by 'The Strangers' as there is a scene in that which has a blood on the wall scene. We thought that this was a good horror effect and would work well to use as some peaks in the trailer. From the The Strangers we also took the idea of the word 'hello' being written on the window as this creates a horror effect. We have also used the idea of showing the swings swinging with no one sat on them as this creates tension. We also used the knife scene in our trailer from the old horror movie 'Psycho' as there is the iconic knife scene in that when the main character is being killed in the shower. We thought that this would create a fear for the audience if we showed a glimpse of a knife with blood on it.
Other possession films such as 'The Exorcist, An American Haunting and The Exorcism of Emily Rose' all have female characters becoming possessed. We decided to stick to this idea of having a female possessed as this is typical and creates fear.
We have used scenes to show our Jury member becoming possessed just like in other trailers where there are scenes to show that a character has been possessed.
Also from 'The Exorcism of Emily Rose' we used the idea of putting text onto our trailer so we used the 'based on a true story' idea. We also added more text about the court case and the character who got possessed just like in 'The Exorcism of Emily Rose' again as we thought this was a good idea that developed the narrative a bit more and it seemed conventional for a horror film.
When it came to mise-en-scene, we used costume ideas of what the Jury should look like from our research of other films and also we had the typical red coat for the Judge to show that she was a Judge. We even had the prop of the gavel to show this.
The make-up that we used as well was influence by the make-up used on the girl in 'The Exorcist' as we wanted that scary feeling and we wanted it to look realistic so the audience would believe that our character had been possessed.

Develop - Not only did we use the blood on the wall scene from 'The Strangers' we developed this though as well by using the blood on a bathroom mirror and writing the words 'help me!' on the mirror with blood which creates the horror effect. As a part of our storyline, we developed the usual possession storylines of demons possessing people and used a murdered young girl as the spirit that possesses one of the Jury members.
We have developed the scene from The Strangers of the 'hello' written on the window by using the words 'help me!' written on a mirror instead and we developed this even further by writing it on the mirror using fake blood.
We developed our jury scene by just showing the Jury itself and using a pan across the members on each row to show this. We developed from the court scene on 'The Exorcism of Emily Rose' as ours is similar but we have chosen only to show the Jury as they are characters in our trailer rather than showing the actual court case.
Me and Nathan also developed the swing scene as we filmed it in daylight but we changed the lighting of it to make it darker on IMovie. Even though this is the same to The Strangers, we feel like we have developed it more by adding the different light effects to it. We also did the same with the knife scene to develop the clip of it a bit more. The lower key lighting also added more to the typical horror effect.
Our storyline was even slightly developed from other typical possession films as this time instead of a demon or some form of paranormal activity possessing the girl, we decided to have a murdered little girl possessing our protagonist for the sake of her getting revenge from the person who originally murdered her.

Challenge - We kept our storyline slightly similar to The Exorcism of Emily Rose by using the court case but we challenged this by only showing the Jury in the court and not the actual court case. we also challenged it by using a news report of what the case is about.
We also challenged by having a member of the Jury become possessed which has not been done in any of the trailers that we have looked at.
We challenged the stereotypical role of using a male Judge for our Gavel scene and voiceovers too as we used a female which is rare to see when it comes to court cases.
We have challenged stereotypes as we have a female villain which isn't usually seen however it is usually females who tend to get possessed in films as shown in 'The Exorcism of Emily Rose' and 'The Exorcist'.
Our trailer was challenged again as we added in a news report scene to add more information about the case and to make it seem realistic to the audience. A news report scene hasn't been shown in any other teaser trailers that we have looked at that are similar to our narrative.
With our soundtrack that we added to the trailer, we challenged as our sound isn't really similar to any other used in a teaser trailer. We wanted to keep some of the sound consistent throughout so that there wasn't too many sound effects going off at once which could ruin the effect of the trailer. We had voiceovers in there too along with the sound to create the horror effect and we had our sound similar in the trailer at the beginning and at the end to introduce and fade out but we kept them consistent.

Again, we challenged our trailer by using a montage of the Jury using an ouija board and of the victims of the possessed girl. We challenged this as a montage is not really seen in other trailer of people using Ouija Boards to find anwers as well as using flashbacks of Katy Leigh to show her saying that she can't escape. This again creates a horror effect.

Film Magazine
- For my film magazine I used the Public Enemies issue of Empire magazine to create a similar layout. I have also used the same colours of red, white and black not only because they are used on this magazine but also because they are typical horror colours and my magazine was showing the horror film 'Verdict'.
I even included images on my magazine where the images are visible on the Empire magazine so I used this idea for my magazine so that there were more features included. I also like the look of the layout which is another reason that I chose this magazine as my influence as I thought that it stood out from other magazines.
The added information at the bottom of Empire I also used to influence my magazine as I did the same at the bottom to add some extra features onto magazine.
I also put my barcode in the same place at the bottom right side and put the issue number, price and website there just like it is on Empire. I thought that this looked very professional therefore I used this on mine.
I used the colour grey for the main name on my story as well just like on Empire where the colour grey was used for the name of the film. I felt like this colour stood out more but also it was the best colour to use as other colours that I used such as red and black were not very visible when they were on top of the main image that I had chosen.

Develop -Where the added information is at the bottom of Empire magazine, I used this on my magazine too but developed it by only using other film names whereas on Empire it included actors names and projects. For Empire's 'Heroes of 2010' I have developed this by using 'Horrors of 2012' to make my magazine more based about horrors because the image on my front cover is for my Verdict trailer and the image is of Amy possessed.
For the added feature at the top I used but developed again from Empire magazine as on Empire the feature is 'Harry Potter 6: On set exclusive' so I have developed mine and added my feature as 'Is 3D here to stay? Cinematic's take on the latest films.' This is to make it different and modernise it.
I have placed my image in the same place as Johnny Depp has been placed on Empire but each picture is completely different as the genre of the films on my magazine and Empire is different. 

Challenge -Things that I have done differently from Empire magazine is the location of the website, mine is just above my barcode and on Empire it is just underneath the masthead.
The background on my magazine is completely different because I have used a gradient to create a more horror genre effect for the background of my image as it is dark.
All of my fonts are different from Empire. I have chosen my own fonts for my masthead, film title and for my other features.
I also have not used a circle of information next to my picture like on the Empire magazine where there is a circle containing informaion about the Ghostbusters film. I felt that if I did that it would cut a fair bit of my image off and it would look like too much has been put on my magazine then.

Film Poster
Use - For my film poster I have used typical conventions from other film posters when it comes to the cast and crew information and even using the steeltongs font for that information. This is seen on all film posters so I had to include this on mine.
The title of my film 'Verdict' is the main feature that you see on my poster which is what other film posters are like as the title has to grab the attention of the audience. I also have a tagline of the film 'Nothing stays dead and buried' which is sometimes included on film posters too.
'Coming soon' was included on my poster which does not reveal the date but shows to the audience that the film will be out soon and could leave the audience wanting to watch the film.
I have also included the production and distribution company logos on my poster as after researching different film posters I saw that this is conventional of a film poster and it is conventional to have them on either side of the cast and crew information.
I included a horror image on my poster to show the genre to the audience which is also usually typical of a film poster. The image is of the main character in her possessed form which illustrates that the film genre is horror as well as it showing that it is a possession film.
The colours that I have used are also conventional of a horror as I used black and red to create the horror genre in my poster.

Develop - I developed some ideas of a film poster as I changed the idea of using actors names on there and used the date, price of newspaper and title of the newspaper to show the fact that my poster is a newspaper. I also didn't include actors names because it gave the film a more realistic approach as the film is based on a true story.
I tried to stick to the typical conventions of a newspaper by having a title, columned information, image, price and date but I developed this too by using these conventions to create a film poster instead.
I developed again by not having my image as the main thing that the audience usually see first, the audience on mine will see both the film title and the newspaper title first and see the newspaper layout as my image is not taking up the whole of the poster so therefore it is not the main feature.

Challenge - For my film poster I have challenged the layout by using a newspaper style to advertise the film. It is set out exactly like an older newspaper with the newspaper title, title of the film, image and also some text, set out in columns like in a newspaper, to add some parts of information about the storyline without giving too much away.
I added a fair bit of text to my poster to set it out in columns like a newspaper and used some information to talk about the film without giving too much of the film away but I gave enough information to make people want to watch the film. I didn't include a lot of text either though as this could put the audience off as they do not want to read it or get a chance to read it.
My film poster is not based on any other film poster that I have seen so I challenged by going for this different layout. The newspaper layout I thought also gave the film  the sense that it is a real recorded event because the film is based on a true story.
I used a darker sepia colour to show that the newspaper is a few years old now and by the colour the audience will be able to tell this.

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