Dear Moderator,

This is my A2 Media Blog. Hope you enjoy it!

You will find my final teaser trailer, film magazine and film poster just under this note. My research and planning began in September. My evaluation is just under my final product too.


Wednesday 21 March 2012

Evaluation Question 3

Question 3

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

For this question, I had to look at all of my feedback that I had done throughout all of my research and Planning and analysed why it has helped my produce my film teaser trailer, film magazine and film poster.

I interviewed a few people in my class and these were to find out what they thought the typical codes and conventions of a media trailer were. I also asked them questions on what they thought differentiated a full length trailer to a teaser trailer and also about what certificate they thought the best horror films were. I also asked what their own favourite horror film was. All of this was very useful as I got to find out each person's own individual ideas and compared them to what other people had said.

Questionnaires were handed out to my media class. My questions focused on mine & Nathan's chosen genre which was horror. We included questions about horror teaser trailers and what people expect from them and what they think the main conventions are and what people like about horror films. This all helped me to create a Pitch on Powerpoint once I had collected all of my information.

The proposals consisted of three ideas that me & Nathan thought about for what the storyline of our trailer could be. The mise-en-scene, cinematography, editing and sound was discussed for each idea and then we thought about which idea to use as our final storyline. Twitter and Facebook feedback helped us a lot with this as me and Nathan each asked people on these social networking sites which they thought was a better plot idea and people commented back to us to tell us what they personally thought. From this feedback, me and Nathan then knew which direction to go in when it came to our storyline.

Production Logos
When it came to creating our production logos, I drew out 6 drafts of different ideas for the logos. We then put them onto to Powerpoint and highlighted which ones me and Nathan personally liked the best. We then asked people in our class for their feedback on what they liked the best so this feedback was helpful as it helped us to decided which ones to use.

Teacher Feedback
The feedback that I got from my media teacher was really useful throughout the entire production of the trailer and my magazine and poster. This was helpful because Angela helped me and Nathan to stay on the right track thoughout and she gave us feedback on what she thought would work best when it came to all of our productions.

Teaser Trailer Feedback
This was really helpful as we each gave the people in our class a sheet of paper with some questions on and they all answered questions about the narrative, genre, strengths and areas of development. Everyone gave us some really positive feedback about what they thought were the good parts and they helped us by suggesting ways in which we can improve it.

Poster & Magazine Feedback
This was done similarly to our feedback from the class for our trailer with the sheets of paper with questions on about the genre, narrative, strengths of each and areas of development for each. This was useful because it helped me to see how I could improve my magazine and poster to make them look better.

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