Dear Moderator,

This is my A2 Media Blog. Hope you enjoy it!

You will find my final teaser trailer, film magazine and film poster just under this note. My research and planning began in September. My evaluation is just under my final product too.


Friday 30 September 2011

Research & Planning: First Podcast

Here is my first media studies podcast for my teaser trailer research. I did this podcast with Nathan Blundell as I am working with him on my teaser trailer. We talked about all of our research and planning that we have done since June and talked about what we will be doing for a trailer and we have mentioned that we will be making a magazine front cover and a film poster. 

Research & Planning: Teaser Trailer Conventions

For my coursework this year i will be producing a teaser trailer, a magazine front cover and a poster.

I have studied the Saw teaser trailer and have come to the conclusion that I will not be able to make a trailer to this standard due to the use of CGI used in the film and trailer. This trailer has the use of subtitles as well as character voice overs which I could use in my trailer. Things such as the production and distribution company are shown which I will add onto my trailer. Some editing techniques I may be able to use from the trailer too.

This trailer is for The Blair Witch Project and I have studied this trailer because this is more simpler and this is to the standard that I could make my horror teaser trailer. It is the conventional length that a teaser trailer must be. The editing techniques are simple with fade to blacks and there is the use of subtitles as well as character voice overs which I could easily do. Very little footage is actually shown in this trailer and for what is shown, I could easily use to help as it is of an easy standard. The scenes that were shown are simple running scenes which I could do easily and it has the use of screaming for sound.

Thursday 29 September 2011

Research & Planning: Different Horror Trailers

This post is to highlight the different types of horror films that there are and I have chosen certain horror trailers that fit them.

Zombie - The Crazies

Monster - Alien Vs Predator

Realistic - The Strangers

Gory - Saw 3D

Disease - Cabin Fever

Other Worlds - Apollo 18

Apocalypse - 2012

Supernatural - 1408

Psychological - Black Swan

Here I have studied all of these types of horrors and searched for trailers that are of films of these certain horrors. They all have similarities such as the use of dialogue and soundtracks and even slow tense music that begins to get more faster as the trailer goes on. Subtitles are used in all of them but they have no voiceovers. Low key lighting is also used in all of them. The mise-en-scene and cinematography differes slightly in some which is only due to the narrative although some shot types are similar such as close ups.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Research & Planning: Group Meeting 1

For my media studies horror teaser trailer I am working with Nathan Blundell.

Nathan Blundell: Mise-en-scene and Editing.
Louise Ward: Cinematography and Sound.

We will be making my magazine front cover and film poster individually.

Plots we have come up with:
  • A group of teenagers will be in a secluded area camping and there is a murder. The teenagers will have to figure out whether someone else is with them in the woods or whether it is one of them who has done it. 
  • Same storyline as first bullet point except there will be some sort of paranormal activity going on so the storyline has a more supernatural twist. 
  • We had the different plot to the others and thinking of having a stalker storyline which could be seen as a horror/thriller movie. 
  • Kidnapping storyline. Where a group of friends go out on a camping trip and someone goes missing leaving the friends to worry and wonder where their friend has got to until they discover that their friend has been kidnapped and must find a way to get them back.
  • We also thought about a mutant storyline. Where a group of friends are out and end up going to the wrong part of the woods where they end up coming face to face with mutants that they must battle to survive against.

We are taking all of these plots into consideration and we are going to discuss and work out which plot we think will be the best to do with help off audience feedback.

Research & Planning: IMDB Votes

These are the top 25 horror films voted for on film website IMDB. There are a range of horror films from many different years and also at the side the number of people who voted for that film is shown. Older films are included in there as they will be known as classics now and back in them times they were seen as really bad. 

The last two images are also taken off IMBD and they show the top 25 films rated by males and females. The films they have voted for are not just horror films, they are any film. I can compare and contrast the film choices between the males and females and take note of which horror films have been selected by each gender.

Research & Planning: Target Audience on Prezi

This is my presentation on Prezi that shows my target audience for my horror teaser trailer.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Research & Planning: Audience Feedback Results

Looking at my social networking feedback about what type of horror movie to film, I have taken everything into consideration about what people have commented and said to me so me & Nathan have decided to do a supernatural horror movie trailer as that is the option that was the most popular and people wanted to see this.

Research & Planning: Twitter Investigation

Here I did an investigation on the social networking site: Twitter. I tweeted a question that I think would help me with my research for my teaser trailer and then waited for people to tweet me back in reply to that question. From this, I have taken into account what people would like to see as a storyline in a horror film and I will consider this when it comes to producing my teaser trailer.

Research & Planning: Facebook Investigation

 I asked my question about my teaser trailer on Facebook and waited for people to comment and tell me what they thought would be the best. I have taken what the few people have said into account and I will think about what they have said when I come to thinking about my plot for my trailer.

Research & Planning: Audience Theories

The Hypodermic Theory
Also known as the Hypodermic Needle Theory, sends messages to the brain from the media. It acknowledges that the media has power although it doesn't acknowledge that the audience too have a brain and can filter things out and think what they want. It is meant to give a mental image of the direct, strategic, and planned infusion of a message into an individual. But as research methodology became more highly developed, it became apparent that the media had selective influences on people

Cultivation Theory
Binds people/environments together all from watching the same stuff or playing games together. The Cultivation Theory is based on the assumption that media has certain effects on audiences who unknowingly absorb images and messages from the media. It can be seen as symbolic. Cultivation theory suggests that exposure to television, over time, "cultivates" viewers' perceptions of reality. This cultivation can have an impact even on light viewers of TV, because the impact on heavy viewers has an impact on our entire culture.

Suggests that because people are exposed to so much in the media such as violence, it no longer makes a strong impact on the audience. There is usually evidence for this theory however it is difficult to prove as a theory. Even though on films and games there are certificates, people who are younger than the certificate given to the film or game can still access these via internet or they can always get someone who is of age to go and get them the certain game or film. Therefore, even young people these days are now becoming desensitised.

Modelling & Copycat Theory
Copying what you see or imitating what you see in the media. This could be mainly aimed at children because children are most likley to imitate what they see. A problem at times with this theory is that it can be hard to prove.  This can be aimed at older audiences though as the most recent story of 23 year old submarine sailer Ryan Donovan killing his Lieutenant Commander by shooting him as well as injuring other people, was blamed on the fact that he played the videogame Grand Theft Auto.

Uses and Gratifications Theory
Popular approach to understanding mass communication. It assumes that members of the audience are not passive but take an active role in interpreting and integrating the media into their own lives. This may not hold power over some people and certain types of media may not affect everyone. The theory places more focus on the consumer, or audience, instead of the actual message itself. The approach suggests that people use the media to fulfill specific gratifications. This theory would then imply that the media compete against other information sources for viewers' gratification.

Monday 26 September 2011

Research & Planning: Types of Horror Films

There are many varied types of horror films. Not all horrors have the same storylines but they may have the same sort of idea. However, there are many ideas for horror films.

  • Gory
  • Supernatural
  • Zombie
  • Monster
  • Apocalypse
  • Realistic
  • Psychological
  • Disease
  • Other worlds

Saturday 24 September 2011

Research & Planning: Recorded Interviews


For my interviews I asked three people the same questions and looked at the answers that I got given off each of them and compared them. All three interviewees said that their favourite genre is Horror. They all also said that 18 certificate films are usually better as they are more scary. They each also said that horror storylines can be the same although they can differ too. From each interview I got very similar findings.

Friday 23 September 2011

Research & Planning: Film Teaser Trailer Research Results

Once I had sent around my questionnaire, I gathered up all of the information given and went onto Microsoft Powerpoint and made the questions that I could into pie charts so that I could analyse my findings better.

Research & Planning: Film Teaser Trailer Research Questionnaire

Here is one of my questionnaires that I made and gave around to for people to answer. I got all of my questionnaires together once people filled them out and gathered all of my information together which I then put into pie charts so that I could analyse my data properly. Some questions I couldn't use to put as data on pie charts but I have still taken note of what answers I have got for them questions. I then chose one answered questionnaire to be scanned so that I could post it onto my blog.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Research & Planning: Film Teaser Trailer Analysis

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Research & Planning: Film Teaser Trailer Analysis    -    Paranormal Activity

The target audience for this Paranormal Activity trailer will be for older teenagers and adults due to the fact that it is a horror film. The certificate for the film is a 15 therefore the film will be aimed at those who are 15 and over. The film will not be suitable for those who are younger than 15 due to the horror content of the film. The teaser trailer may be rated lower though perhaps as a lot of the scarier scenes are cut out and not fully shown. Trailers are usually rated a certificate lower than the film to get a younger audience to notice the film, even though younger audiences could not go and see the film at the cinema, they could always use the internet to view the film or buy the DVD when it has been released. Majority of horror films are given the certificates 15-18. The audience need to stay active through the film as the narrative keeps you wondering what till happy next.

The genre for this specific trailer is horror. It is a conventional horror due to certain mise-en-scene elements such as low key lighting to add a scarier atmosphere to the film, the location of the house seems to make the trailer scarier as it makes it seem more realistic by being set in a normal home with a normal couple living there. The soundtrack used also shows that its genre is a horror due to the tense music. Carol Clover's theory of 'The final girl will be terrorised throughout the film' counts in this case as even though the character of Katie is the only girl in this film, she is still being terrorised throughout until she is the last person alive and even then, she is still being terrorised. The trailer shows that the female character is being terrorised in the film.

The narrative is a typical horror genre as it is about a couple who end up having some form of Paranormal Activity happen in their home. They try to discover what is going on as things develop with the activity more and more each night. As the film goes on, Katie is the one who ends up getting possessed and killing her own boyfriend. The couple, Katie and Mica can be both seen as the protagonists as they are both in the film throughout although, Katie seems to have more of a main role due to the events that happen to her. Both characters are active as they both get involved with the events taking place even though it does seem at times that Katie doesn't want to get too involved and wants to be more of a passive character. Propp's theory is used here as in the trailer we can see clearly in the trailer the character types. We can see that both characters are victims and the paranormal entity is the villain. Because of the trailer we can see that Katie becomes the villain as the plot progresses and she becomes possessed. It differs from other horrors as even though Katie herself isn't the villain, she is portraying the villain. It also differs that it is a female who ends up being the villain, however, in this case due to the possession storyline, it could be seen as similar to the likes of other films such as The Exorcist and The Exorcism of Emily Rose in the way that it is always females who seem to be the ones who get possessed. The film also has a typical equilibrium and disruption however the equilibrium does not get resolved to become the new equilibrium which could then lead onto showing that there could be a sequel.

The representation of the characters seems to be normal. They are shown as a normal couple living in a normal house with a normal life. Mise-en-scene element of costume illustrates that they are just a normal couple. Also the setting of the house shows this too. The fact that a handheld camera is used throughout the film shows that they are normal as well and all of this makes the film seem much more realistic which is a scary concept to the audience. The couple are just stereotyped as an average young couple.

As mentioned earlier, the mise-en-scene elements of costumes, props and setting portrays the characters and average people who just live their lives normally. They are shown as a realistic couple which means they can relate to the audience more. Their clothes are just normal, jeans and t-shirts to show the realism. Props that are used are just household things mainly such as the salt used and the photograph. The handheld camera is the main prop that is used. The cinematography is shown through the use of a handheld camera which again, makes it seem more average and realistic to the audience. The lighting used is low key to create an atmosphere. Most of this was filmed during the night as that is when most of the paranormal activity begins. When it comes to the editing in this trailer, it is mainly shown through jump cuts to show different scenes in a faster and scarier way. The sound used in the trailer is mainly diagetic to show that it is realistic and it gets the audience more involved with the characters and their lives.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Research & Planning: Pitch

Research & Planning: Film Poster

Here is my film poster that I produced on Photoshop as an introduction to using the Photoshop tool again to remind me what function each tool does and to remind me how to design and make something on there.

I made a film poster for a horror film as it will then relate to my teaser trailer which will also be a horror.

I used the steeltongs text at the bottom of the poster to add information about director, producer etc as this is what is seen on nearly all film posters. I kept the colour theme dark as this relates to horror genres more and I used silhouettes of a tree and of a man as the images on there to give it a scarier and more mysterious effect as it is a film poster, it is meant to attract its audience and make them curious and interested in the film. I used the title 'Forgotton' and put it in capitals to make it stand out more and I also used a tagline which makes the film more memorable. I included the names of the two actors at the top of the poster too as this is usually seen on film posters so the audience can see who stars in the film.

Likes: I like the font that I have chosen for the title as it stands out and can be easily read. I also like that I have kept that font consistent by using it for the actors names and the tagline. The use of dark colours relates well to a horror and the silhouettes used creates a mysterious look on the poster making the audience wonder who the person is under the tree. It also gives the illusion that it is set at night time, the colours help to show this too. I like that I have used the 'steeltongs' font for the cast and crew information which is like what is used on professional film posters. I like the tagline too as it relates well to the film.

Dislikes: Although I did like the colour theme as they are dark which relates to a horror, they could have been applied better. I also could have added more information at the bottom where the cast and crew information is as there is hardly any given on my poster. The pictures used could have been improved too as even though they add a mysterious look to the poster, they don't look professional or realistic enough. I could have added the name of the distribution company like most film posters do and I could have added a release date like all film posters do seeing as here I have missed them out. I also could have added a certificate here even though they are not always included on film posters. Reviews and ratings could have been added on too as then this would have interested the audience more and they would have seen how good the film is due to its ratings and reviews.

Research & Planning: Regulation & Censorship

For my A2 media work, I am considering which certificate to use for my film.
I am thinking of making the certificate either a 15-18 as this is expected of the horror genre. Most films that are a horror genre are usually given the 15-18 certificate,
However, I have to take into consideration that my trailer could be given a lower certificate than what the film has been certified as most horror trailers are like this.

Monday 12 September 2011

Reserch & Planning: First Attempt Trailer

This is my first attempt at making a trailer. I got into a group and we chose two actors and one person to work the camera. We then filmed a chase scene and edited each scene together using various transactions too. We each took a turn at the acting and filming as we filmed different things, however this is the video that we thought was the best. Also on GarageBand, we added some sound to the video to make it seem like a tense and fast chase scene. We used various camera angles such a close ups and long shots and medium close ups for the video to get good and different shots. 

Likes: I like the mise-en-scene element of costume in this scene because what the actors are wearing is very natural. The length of the clip is like a teaser trailer as it is not very long, this is an advantage because this is helpful for when I make my final teaser trailer. Some cinematography shots are good as different shot types are used throughout. There are uses of high angle shots when one character falls down the stairs as the other character chases them. There are mixtures of long shots and medium close ups during the scene and even a few close ups. 

Dislikes: The sound that we added in later on by using Garage Band wasn't the best. It seemed to fit with the scene although the sound could have been improved. We tried to start the music off with a slow tempo and build it up to make it seem fast like music usually is on a chase scene. The editing was also poor and had room for improvement. When we added in some editing transactions we tried to look for the best ones possible to fit our scene although in the end we thought that there was room for improvement.