Dear Moderator,

This is my A2 Media Blog. Hope you enjoy it!

You will find my final teaser trailer, film magazine and film poster just under this note. My research and planning began in September. My evaluation is just under my final product too.


Monday 12 September 2011

Reserch & Planning: First Attempt Trailer

This is my first attempt at making a trailer. I got into a group and we chose two actors and one person to work the camera. We then filmed a chase scene and edited each scene together using various transactions too. We each took a turn at the acting and filming as we filmed different things, however this is the video that we thought was the best. Also on GarageBand, we added some sound to the video to make it seem like a tense and fast chase scene. We used various camera angles such a close ups and long shots and medium close ups for the video to get good and different shots. 

Likes: I like the mise-en-scene element of costume in this scene because what the actors are wearing is very natural. The length of the clip is like a teaser trailer as it is not very long, this is an advantage because this is helpful for when I make my final teaser trailer. Some cinematography shots are good as different shot types are used throughout. There are uses of high angle shots when one character falls down the stairs as the other character chases them. There are mixtures of long shots and medium close ups during the scene and even a few close ups. 

Dislikes: The sound that we added in later on by using Garage Band wasn't the best. It seemed to fit with the scene although the sound could have been improved. We tried to start the music off with a slow tempo and build it up to make it seem fast like music usually is on a chase scene. The editing was also poor and had room for improvement. When we added in some editing transactions we tried to look for the best ones possible to fit our scene although in the end we thought that there was room for improvement.

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