Dear Moderator,

This is my A2 Media Blog. Hope you enjoy it!

You will find my final teaser trailer, film magazine and film poster just under this note. My research and planning began in September. My evaluation is just under my final product too.


Wednesday 28 September 2011

Research & Planning: Group Meeting 1

For my media studies horror teaser trailer I am working with Nathan Blundell.

Nathan Blundell: Mise-en-scene and Editing.
Louise Ward: Cinematography and Sound.

We will be making my magazine front cover and film poster individually.

Plots we have come up with:
  • A group of teenagers will be in a secluded area camping and there is a murder. The teenagers will have to figure out whether someone else is with them in the woods or whether it is one of them who has done it. 
  • Same storyline as first bullet point except there will be some sort of paranormal activity going on so the storyline has a more supernatural twist. 
  • We had the different plot to the others and thinking of having a stalker storyline which could be seen as a horror/thriller movie. 
  • Kidnapping storyline. Where a group of friends go out on a camping trip and someone goes missing leaving the friends to worry and wonder where their friend has got to until they discover that their friend has been kidnapped and must find a way to get them back.
  • We also thought about a mutant storyline. Where a group of friends are out and end up going to the wrong part of the woods where they end up coming face to face with mutants that they must battle to survive against.

We are taking all of these plots into consideration and we are going to discuss and work out which plot we think will be the best to do with help off audience feedback.

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