Dear Moderator,

This is my A2 Media Blog. Hope you enjoy it!

You will find my final teaser trailer, film magazine and film poster just under this note. My research and planning began in September. My evaluation is just under my final product too.


Tuesday 13 September 2011

Research & Planning: Film Poster

Here is my film poster that I produced on Photoshop as an introduction to using the Photoshop tool again to remind me what function each tool does and to remind me how to design and make something on there.

I made a film poster for a horror film as it will then relate to my teaser trailer which will also be a horror.

I used the steeltongs text at the bottom of the poster to add information about director, producer etc as this is what is seen on nearly all film posters. I kept the colour theme dark as this relates to horror genres more and I used silhouettes of a tree and of a man as the images on there to give it a scarier and more mysterious effect as it is a film poster, it is meant to attract its audience and make them curious and interested in the film. I used the title 'Forgotton' and put it in capitals to make it stand out more and I also used a tagline which makes the film more memorable. I included the names of the two actors at the top of the poster too as this is usually seen on film posters so the audience can see who stars in the film.

Likes: I like the font that I have chosen for the title as it stands out and can be easily read. I also like that I have kept that font consistent by using it for the actors names and the tagline. The use of dark colours relates well to a horror and the silhouettes used creates a mysterious look on the poster making the audience wonder who the person is under the tree. It also gives the illusion that it is set at night time, the colours help to show this too. I like that I have used the 'steeltongs' font for the cast and crew information which is like what is used on professional film posters. I like the tagline too as it relates well to the film.

Dislikes: Although I did like the colour theme as they are dark which relates to a horror, they could have been applied better. I also could have added more information at the bottom where the cast and crew information is as there is hardly any given on my poster. The pictures used could have been improved too as even though they add a mysterious look to the poster, they don't look professional or realistic enough. I could have added the name of the distribution company like most film posters do and I could have added a release date like all film posters do seeing as here I have missed them out. I also could have added a certificate here even though they are not always included on film posters. Reviews and ratings could have been added on too as then this would have interested the audience more and they would have seen how good the film is due to its ratings and reviews.

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