Dear Moderator,

This is my A2 Media Blog. Hope you enjoy it!

You will find my final teaser trailer, film magazine and film poster just under this note. My research and planning began in September. My evaluation is just under my final product too.


Friday 4 November 2011

Research & Planning: Film Poster Analysis

A medium close up shows the protagonist. As she is the only visible character on the poster we get a sense that she is the main character.
The dark colours being used on the poster show that it is a dark horror film that creates the atmosphere so it gives us a sense of the genre. The font used also gives the audience that sense that it is a horror as it has a gothic look to it.
From the image of the girl we get a sense of the narrative and from her position we get the idea that she may be possessed and that her body is being taken over by some sort of force. As the image shows, the protagonist is only a young girl which creates more fear for the audience. The audience would mainly be teenagers as the main character looks more of their age group and teenagers are most likely to watch horror films.
The tagline 'Possession knows no bounds' gives a sense of the narrative and genre as it shows the basic storyline of the film to its audience so they know the plot is about possession which is what the image shows.
The mise-en-scene is kept fairly simple as the girl seems to be wearing a white gown which is typical of possession films and could have a link to the film The Exorcist where the girl in that film also wore a white gown.
You can tell that this is a film poster through the use of the cast and crew information at the bottom with the steeltongs font and it also shows the stars names at the top.

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