Dear Moderator,

This is my A2 Media Blog. Hope you enjoy it!

You will find my final teaser trailer, film magazine and film poster just under this note. My research and planning began in September. My evaluation is just under my final product too.


Friday 18 November 2011

Research & Planning: Micro Elements

The micro elements that I am in charge of are Cinematography and Sound.
I have researched images, trailers and sounds that I have liked and thought would be useful when it comes to filming my own teaser trailer. I have looked at different shot types and sounds and thought about which ones would suit best with my genre and storyline.

Low angle shots

High angle shots

Close up

Medium close up

Long shot

Two shot

Point of view shot

This is a film trailer for the horror film 'White Noise'. This is a supernatural/possession style of horror film which is the same as what my style of horror film will be. There are some differences with this film and what I want to be showing for my teaser trailer. I have looked at this trailer though as I see this as a good film for its sound style. There were the uses of voiceovers to create a slightly narrative form for the audience and also it seems to be more directly addressed to the audience. There was also character speech at some point to show the audience teaser parts of the film itself and the audience could also see some of the characters. These may be used for a slightly more eerie affect. Also there is the use of what is said to be real sound footage of a person beyond the grave communicating through electronics. This creates a shocking effect for the audience as it is more realistic as the footage is from actual real life. This itself makes the film seem more scary.

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