Dear Moderator,

This is my A2 Media Blog. Hope you enjoy it!

You will find my final teaser trailer, film magazine and film poster just under this note. My research and planning began in September. My evaluation is just under my final product too.


Tuesday 8 November 2011

Research & Planning: New Treatment

Me & Nathan have changed our film plot slightly therefore we have decided to make a new treatment to show what our teaser trailer will now be like.

  • MPAA logo appears first.
  • Studio name/animation will appear next which we have called Static Pictures.
  • Distribution logo will then come on next.
  • Soundtrack begins  which is slow and tense.
  • Extreme close up of the possessed character. The eyes are shown all bloodshot.
  • Zooms out to a close up of the possessed character showing how ragged she looks.
  • Fade to black will then happen here.
  • Soundtrack music stops.
  • Dialogue begins of the court judge 
  • Close up of Judge saying "Guilty or not guilty?"
  • There is then a pan edit transition around the courtroom to show the setting to the audience. It also shows the Judge, Jury and Defendant. 
  • Jump cut to the next shot to show the fast pace.
  • Soundtrack begins again this time all fast and disjointed.
  • Birds eye view shot of one member of the Jury dead.
  • Jump cut then to the next scene.
  • Two shot of two members of the Jury together showing them injured and trapped.
  • Next there is another jump cut to the next shot.
  • Long over the shoulder shot of several characters running down a corridor and showing the back of the possessed characters head stalking them.
  • Again, there is a jump cut to show the fast paced continuity to the next shot.
  • Long shot of the possessed character stood in the courtroom. 
  • Jump cut to next scene again.
  • Burred and disjointed shot of the protagonist becoming possessed.
  • Jump cut to next shot.
  • Close up of the Ouija Board that then zooms out and pans into a 360 degree circle around the jury members sat around the Ouija Board and the camera is going higher each time turning into a birds eye view shot.
  • Soundtrack ends with a sudden stop. 
  • Birds eye view shot continues showing the members of the Jury asking the Ouija Board if the defendant is guilty or not guilty.
  • Jump cut to next scene.
  • Establishing long shot of the outside of the Court to show the location to the audience.
  • Fades to black
  • Sound of low pitch music.
  • Title - Verdict is shown with a voice over.
  • Release date is then shown after the title with a voice over again. 

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